This is a place where I can vent about certain frustrations. And occasionally, there may be a happy story. B/c life IS good.

Friday, March 09, 2007


So, we have been thinking about when to go away on a vacation this year. I think going before I am too big and uncomfortable is the best thing, and we want to go down the shore. This is our favorite destination, other than Punta Cana, of course! Since my parents' shore house will no longer be available, I have been looking online for a place to rent for the week on the Jersey shore. Last week, I found a few places that look good. The next day or so, when talking to my mom, she asked me what our plans were for vacation this year. I said, "Funny you should ask that," and told her about my recent searching. She told me that she and my step-father decided that we need to go down the shore for a week before the baby gets here, and they're going to see to it finantially. Funny, huh? I'm not arguing with them!

So, we're no longer worrying about cashing in bonds to go on vacation, which is cool. We are heading to Sea Isle City on Sunday to check things out, and hopefully find a place. Dan has never been there, and it's conveniently located inbetween Wildwood and Ocean City, two places we both like (we like walking the boards). And it's not too far from Atlantic City as well. Dan has never been there, either, and I've only been there a couple of times. I just can't wait to hit the road on Sunday- it should be fun!


Blogger Happy said...

Enjoy! How great your mom and step-dad are!!

We can't afford a really snazzy vacation because of the adoption fees. Last year it was the move, this year it's the adoption. Luckily the 'rents house in the mountains is supposed to be completed this month!

7:02 PM


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