This is a place where I can vent about certain frustrations. And occasionally, there may be a happy story. B/c life IS good.

Monday, February 12, 2007

Two Coworkers Have Died

One of our assistant managers at my store passed away on Feburay 5th after a battle with cancer. I was at his funeral on Saturday. He was a great person. Very funny. He was this serious-looking guy who would come up with these great one-liners and just crack me up. He was sometimes heard in the back of the store, singing some crazy rap song. It was hilarious to see this man in his 50's belting out an R. Kelly tune!

His service was very nice. I hadn't seen him since last year, when he left our store b/c his cancer had gotten too bad. When I saw these pamphlets with his picture on the front, I just lost it. I just can't believe he's gone. His son stood up at the end of the service and said a few words. But it was more than a few. I don't know how he did it- you could tell he was very upset. But he was so great at getting his stories and feelings out about his dad. He was Ray's only child, and you could tell they were close. So, as he was talking, I was bawling once again. He mentioned Ray's love of rap music, and some funny stories. It was very nice.

This is the second death we've had at work in as many weeks. On January 26, one of our co-workers took his own life. That was shocking. He was a good man, he just had a lot of things go wrong for him. There was a pretty big turn out at both men's services. It was nice to see so many people cared for them. It's strange to think that niether of them will be at the store anymore. I'll miss them very much.


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