This is a place where I can vent about certain frustrations. And occasionally, there may be a happy story. B/c life IS good.

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Hooray for Sunday!

Well, since it's Sunday, I get to spend the day with my hubby, which I love to do. We just spent most of the day sitting around, watching tv. Such bums! We caught Wedding Crashers for the fiftieth time, which is always funny. We did get out for a quick walk through the neighborhood. I've been slacking off lately on the exercise. Then, our football teams are going against each other for the third time this season, which is fun. So far my team, the Eagles, have the lead, so that's cool. We shall see what happens. We got a Lee's hoagie, too, which is perfect football game food. Best hoagies around. We hadn't done that in a while, but it was darn tasty! I think half time is just about over, so I better get back to witness our wonderful victory! Later!


Blogger Happy said...

I'm glad you two had a nice day together. YEAH EAGLES!! It's been a while since you posted, I thought that you had given up, or started a new blog.

What's your favorite nonalcoholic beverage, little preggo buddy?

9:17 AM


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