Holy Cow! The Giants did it!
The Giants Win the Superbowl!
Holy cow! My man's team actually won! I kinda thought they might. I had more faith in his team than he did, which is sad, huh? Especially since I am an Eagles fan! Now, we have to go out and get both Dan and Nathan some Giants garb. All Nathan has now is a small bib, and an outfit that is now too small for him.
It was funny- when the Giants scored their final touchdown, Dan started jumping around the livingroom, and into the dining room, and when he came back, started putting his shoes on. I asked him where he was going, but he said he didn't know! I think maybe he was thinking about running around outside? Who knows! We did notice a mark on his arm yesterday and he has no clue how it got there. He thinks maybe he must have banged his arm on the wall or something while he was leaping around like a jackass. Silly man! Here's a shot of the boys enjoying the game together:

Can you tell that Dan is not too thrilled at the moment? The Giants must have been down at the time or something. My boys are cute, though, huh?
What a cute shot. Sorry you didn't get one of Dan leaping for Joy. Nathan looks so happy. Mom
10:32 AM
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