This is a place where I can vent about certain frustrations. And occasionally, there may be a happy story. B/c life IS good.

Monday, October 30, 2006


Ok, so the insemination didn't work. I was feeling over-confident for nothing. We have decided to take a break for the next two months with the fertility doctors and just try naturally. In January, Dan starts a new insurance plan, which will cover a heck of a lot more than mine has. It actually covers infertility! I have never been so excited about health insurance! I won't even have to pay anything to go to the chiropractor for up to thirty times per year! Right now, I pay forty dollars each time I go, since my insurance has no chiropractic coverage. So, I suffer for two months inbetween adjustments. Now I won't have to! Anyway, we figured we'd be better able to relax if we're not throwing more money at the problem, and we can try to enjoy the holidays. Then, if it doesn't work naturally, we are only waiting until January to try with help again. And we will only be paying $45.00, instead of about $1465.00! I think that's an easy decision to make! We'll see what happens! Have a Happy Halloween!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's great about the insurance. Dan works in NJ doesn't he? NJ insurance covers infertility treatments, but PA does not. Appreciating your health insurance is not stupid. I'm on Sweetness's insurance because my insurance only payed a small percentage of my MS drug which is pricey (1200 a month I think). I do understand about wanting to take an infertility break (although we are adopting) it is nerve wracking and stressful. Enjoy the is only a month 1/2 until Christmas.

8:59 AM

Blogger Amy said...

Actually, he works in Allentown, so I guess some plans do cover it. The plan is Keystone Healthplan East HMO, I think. It's awesome! They pay for just about everything.

5:22 PM


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