This is a place where I can vent about certain frustrations. And occasionally, there may be a happy story. B/c life IS good.

Saturday, April 05, 2008

Back to Work!

Hello! There's been a lot of stuff going on lately, but I haven't been able to type about it. First of all, I have returned to work, part time, and I am not too happy about it. For those of you who don't know, since '96 I have worked at a "big box" retailer, in the seasonal department. Since I was on LOA for so long, they couldn't hold my position for me in that dept., and told me I was going to be a cashier. Now, I used to cashier for a little bit about 11 years ago, and I didn't like being cooped up in one place for the entire day. Plus, I know my department, and I think it just makes more sense to have someone like me work there, instead of hiring yet another kid who doesn't know a marigold from a pansy.

I know it will be pretty easy compared to what I'd be doing out in "garden," but I am used to running around like a chicken without a head, and having twelve customers chasing me around, along with four newbies who can't figure out where to find this or that. Now, when you go to my old dept. in my store, instead of finding a handful of people that have worked there for many years, and know their stuff, you'll find maybe two that have been there for two years, part-time, and now have the job of training not only the newbies, but also the department head that is in charge of them. It's a shame that the company cares more about saving some money than they do with having experienced folks that can give the good customer service that our shoppers have relied upon for so many years.

So, my anniversary date is April 11th, and I should be getting some vacation time. I will make sure my time is cashed out, and then I will say "Good day, Sir!" to my boss, who I will NOT miss working for. I will miss some of the people, and driving the forklifts, and all the other cool things I enjoyed about the job. Oh well. I like my new job much better, even if Nathan does squirm around a lot when I try to change his diaper. Crazy kid!


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