This is a place where I can vent about certain frustrations. And occasionally, there may be a happy story. B/c life IS good.

Monday, November 06, 2006

Music Rules!

I'm so exicted! I just finally hooked up my stereo in our house, after living here for over two years! I don't know what took me so long. I had to run the speaker wire around the perimeter of most of the livingroom, which was fun. I had to shove it as far down as I could under the carpet and the moulding, so my kitty couldn't get to it. My knees were killing me! But, after all the hard work, I can finally play music in the livingroom! I am especially excited about my turntable, since I have plenty of vinyl to play. My husband says I am eighty years old because of this. He wasn't as excited as I was about my album "Kilroy Was Here" by STYX. Since he was never really exposed to "real" music as a kid, he wouldn't know about the joy of STYX. HAHA! I have to school him on some of the classics.

We also have this speaker that is in the ceiling of our kitchen, and it's now hooked up to the stereo as well. It's pretty neat. The first time I turned it on, though, my cats were wondering what the heck was going on! I think they both ran from the area. Freaks. Clovis, the older one, is actually a rocker, since he always used to sit right in front of the speaker at the last house. Now he jams with me in the kitchen to Led Zeppelin, just like old times. I should really see if I can find more records somewhere. Anyone know where I can get any?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congrats! Isn't it great when you get something done that has been hanging around for a while?

12:36 PM


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