This is a place where I can vent about certain frustrations. And occasionally, there may be a happy story. B/c life IS good.

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Oh yeah! Voting.

I went to vote the other day, and saw something that struck me as odd. Towards the bottom of the voting machine, there was actually a button that said "no Vote." What the heck? Why would anyone go out there, just to say their NOT voting? Why not just stay home? It seems kinda silly to me. I'm just really glad all those calls from Ed Rendell and company have stopped! We were getting about eight calls a day! Crazy.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

It wasn't just the phone calls...around my house they had people going door to door and we were receiving tons of mailers. Last week when we were raking leaves some guy approached us to give us his candidates speel. Yup, it's done now, and yes, I did vote.

10:18 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, hey, we were lucky enough to have President Bush take time out of his busy schedule to leave a message on our answering machine. We haven't deleted it yet because it gave us a good laugh.

10:19 AM

Blogger Amy said...

LOL! Yeah, he didn't call us, but a lot of the others did. We had people at the door, too, which I hated. I had to hide, so they didn't see me through the window! But it was kinda nerve-racking to have a strange man banging, not knocking, on my door when I was there alone.

5:57 PM


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