This is a place where I can vent about certain frustrations. And occasionally, there may be a happy story. B/c life IS good.

Monday, November 20, 2006

Billy's Gone

I was in the mood to hear an old Billy Joel album yesterday as I straightened up the house. So I went downstairs to get it out of the cabinet where all of my records are. (Yes, records, not cds.) Now, my albums have always stayed together, ever since I've owned them. But, while looking through the cabinet, I saw no Billy Joel. And I don't know anyone who listens to records, so it's not like I would have loaned it to someone. If I did, I would have remembered. I just don't get it. Where the heck could it be? Now I am really in the mood to hear Allentown, so maybe I'll have to go buy the cd. And add it to the list of records I want to buy. Cds just aren't the same.


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