Holiday Weekend

Over the Memorial Day weekend, Dan and I got up to my mom's cabin in the Poconos. It's been in the family for years, since my grandparents built it. I want to say very early 70's, but I'm not sure of the exact year. But now my mother is the owner and my brother has done a lot of work to it to make it a bit more updated and comfy. It was beautiful up there. But, just my luck, I got sick. I was sneezing and coughing the whole time. It figures- it was my first Memorial Day weekend in ten years that I didn't have to work at all. We did get to see a family of bald eagles, which was nice. There's a family that's been growing for the past few years at the local lake, and it's a big attraction for all of the nature lovers up there. One time last year we got to see one of them eating his/her lunch not too far from us. Very cool! Hopefully we can take the baby up for a weekend this fall before we have to close the place up. I always loved going up there when I was a kid, and I know our kids will too.