This is a place where I can vent about certain frustrations. And occasionally, there may be a happy story. B/c life IS good.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

It's a Boy!

Yesterday I got a phone call from my mother telling me of the new addition to our family. My step-sister had her second son by planned c-section! Everyone is doing fine. They named him Elijah. I am bummed, though, b/c I was hoping to visit with my parents this Friday, since she lives a couple of hours away. But I have to work, and I have a bad cold. So, I'll have to wait until next time. I'm sure his big brother, Hayden, is very excited he's got a sibling!

Friday, November 24, 2006

Who are You?

I was just wondering who is actually reading this. The stat counter thingy can only tell me so much, and I am interested in knowing who I am bugging out there. So, feel free to drop me a line in the comments section so I can have some sort of a clue. Thanks!

My Turkey Dinner

So, we were at Dan's parents' house for Turkey Day, and it was, as usual, interesting. It was a small group for dinner, since Dan's one brother and his wife and child were at the wife's parents' for dinner. I guess as usual I said to much, b/c once again my FIL said something to me to reiterate the fact that he really doesn't like me, or think I am fit to be married to his son. Which is kind of funny, b/c he barely says two words to his son. Anyway, we were talking about certain traits a man can have, such as being set in their ways and not wanting to try anything new, and I merely said, "Dan's not like that. I lucked out." Which I did. And my wonderful, loving FIL says, "Yes, you did." Now, I didn't really know if he had said yes I did, or I didn't, so I asked him. I said, "Did you say I did or I didn't?" He goes, "I said you did. Why would I lie?" And silence fell over the crowd. I really just wanted my hubby to say, "I did, too." But he didn't. He doesn't make it a habit of standing up to his dad when he's been a real asshole. Or any other time, really. I guess he doesn't think like I do, but it would have been nice for someone to say. So, I said it, quietly, and looked at Dan and told him, also quietly, that it would be nice for him to say he lucked out as well. After dinner, and after a few not-so-happy looks in Dan's direction, he told me he was sorry, that he loves me, and he does think he's lucky to have me. That's great, but I really wanted his FATHER to hear those words. Now I just feel like the time that has gone by since the rough start we had with his family never made a difference. I still feel like I'm sitting there, in front of his parents, on trial, asking why they don't think I am good enough for Dan, and his father actually coming back with an answer. But that's a whole other story. And just so you all know, I never did anything to deserve this treatment. And I have about had it.

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Gobble Gobble!

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I hope everyone is having a great holiday! Be safe and eat plenty of goodies!

Monday, November 20, 2006

Billy's Gone

I was in the mood to hear an old Billy Joel album yesterday as I straightened up the house. So I went downstairs to get it out of the cabinet where all of my records are. (Yes, records, not cds.) Now, my albums have always stayed together, ever since I've owned them. But, while looking through the cabinet, I saw no Billy Joel. And I don't know anyone who listens to records, so it's not like I would have loaned it to someone. If I did, I would have remembered. I just don't get it. Where the heck could it be? Now I am really in the mood to hear Allentown, so maybe I'll have to go buy the cd. And add it to the list of records I want to buy. Cds just aren't the same.

Saturday, November 18, 2006

I Forgot that I Did Something

Duh. I completely forgot to write about my trip down to my old neighborhood a week or so ago. I was having some major back problems, with my sciatic nerve, which was keeping me from being able to walk without shooting pains. My chiropractor actually helped a lot, and he's down near my old home. So, whenever I go to him, I usually drop by to see my mother or my friend who recently had a baby. Her first. He's so cute! Anyway, the three of us went to the mall and had lunch and strolled around for a while. (Get it? strolled) It was cool to see him. Everytime I do he's changed a bit. It's crazy. I just wanted to write this down so I remember the few things I actually do outside of this house and my job. Oh! And we never got out today to see the movie, b/c I wasn't feeling well. Maybe next week!

Yay! I'm a Winner!

I can't believe it! I won the football pool at work for the SECOND TIME! Yippee! I won ten dollars, but, hey, it's money, right? I am the only repeat winner as of yet, which is cool. Especially since I really have no idea what I am doing. : ) My hubby is on his way home from work, and we might go see a movie. Borat. I am probably going to cringe at most of the things he does and says, but I think he's quite funny. Happy Saturday!

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Devil's Game

We were lucky enough to get tickets to a Devils' game from Dan's aunt, and the game was last night. It was cool to get out of the house on a Saturday night! I must say, though, that it's true what they say about New Jersey being stinky. I mean, we go to central Jersey a lot, and it doesn't ever smell bad, but oh my! North Jersey stank like crazy! I don't know what's going on there! The game was cool, though, since there were a few fights. Not that I'm a fighter, but it makes the game more entertaining, that's for sure! I would rather be rooting for my team, the Flyers, but I'll take what I can get.

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Oh yeah! Voting.

I went to vote the other day, and saw something that struck me as odd. Towards the bottom of the voting machine, there was actually a button that said "no Vote." What the heck? Why would anyone go out there, just to say their NOT voting? Why not just stay home? It seems kinda silly to me. I'm just really glad all those calls from Ed Rendell and company have stopped! We were getting about eight calls a day! Crazy.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Important Question...

Why do they call it "Ben Gay"?

Monday, November 06, 2006

Music Rules!

I'm so exicted! I just finally hooked up my stereo in our house, after living here for over two years! I don't know what took me so long. I had to run the speaker wire around the perimeter of most of the livingroom, which was fun. I had to shove it as far down as I could under the carpet and the moulding, so my kitty couldn't get to it. My knees were killing me! But, after all the hard work, I can finally play music in the livingroom! I am especially excited about my turntable, since I have plenty of vinyl to play. My husband says I am eighty years old because of this. He wasn't as excited as I was about my album "Kilroy Was Here" by STYX. Since he was never really exposed to "real" music as a kid, he wouldn't know about the joy of STYX. HAHA! I have to school him on some of the classics.

We also have this speaker that is in the ceiling of our kitchen, and it's now hooked up to the stereo as well. It's pretty neat. The first time I turned it on, though, my cats were wondering what the heck was going on! I think they both ran from the area. Freaks. Clovis, the older one, is actually a rocker, since he always used to sit right in front of the speaker at the last house. Now he jams with me in the kitchen to Led Zeppelin, just like old times. I should really see if I can find more records somewhere. Anyone know where I can get any?