Oh my!
Wow! I can't believe that I haven't updated since June! Since then, a pretty big thing has happened! I had a baby! Yay! Nathan Daniel. Of course you know this if you've been on my other blog. He's almost two months old now. He's getting pretty big, and smiling all of the time. He has been using his voice and last week he started squealing with delight, which is awesome. I think he's going to be an early talker. We are taking him to his first Halloween party this weekend at my friend's house. She's having a few couples over along with their kids. I guess the party is really for the kids! I am excited about Nathan's costume. He's going to be a monkey. So cute! I'll have to post a picture.
I am so tired! Nathan is good at going back to sleep after he gets fed at night, but just having my sleep interrupted is wearing me down. Especially when I can't get a nap the following day. I am very lucky, though. Dan has been the one feeding him at night. I've done a few in the wee early morning hours when I can, but Dan knows he's a handful during the day, and I need some rest, so that really helps.
We got to the mall last weekend with Nathan, and that was an adventure. We were kinda scared! It was ok, though. We didn't know how it would be, since we had gone out the weekend before, and he was so upset at one point we had to turn around and come home. I think it was too warm for him. He's like me- he doesn't like it when it's too hot out. We were just out to see some foliage, but we didn't really get to go out for very long. We still have time, I guess. I hear the foliage isn't going to be too nice anyway, since we haven't had enough rain. I really would love to be able to go on a nice hike with him in a front carrier sometime this fall. So far, he doesn't like to go in the carrier. I have to try it again soon. I love this time of year, and I don't want to miss out on all these fun things.
We also had my cousin's wedding about a month ago, which was cool. It's always fun seeing my family. My cousins are a lot of fun, especially when there's a little bit o' booze around! Haha! I actually got to have a couple of drinks for the first time in a year or so. It was great!
So, that's all for now, I guess. There's more going on, but I'll save the negative stuff for another time. Peace!