Vacation and Other Stuff
Hello! Things have been rather busy around here, so I haven't had much time to write about stuff. We were on vacation the end of June, which was fun, and way too short. We went to Sea Isle City for the second time, since Dan liked it last year. This year was a bit different, since there were three of us! Not much of a night life for us this year, and no long days on the beach. But, Nate did love the beach, and he had a ball playing in the sand, dumping buckets of water on himself and me. We had a tent for him to retreat to, which made it nice. He sang for the first time on the way back from his first time on the beach, which must mean he enjoyed it! He slept like a champ in his pack-n-play, which we thought would be an issue. We went to the Cape May Zoo one of the days, and he was digging it. He learned how to wave that week, and now does it whenever someone says "hi", "bye", and pretty much anything that rhymes with that! (Pictures will be on his site.)
The week before vacation, we closed on our house. It went off without a problem, and we even chatted with the sellers for a few minutes afterwards. They left us a big container of spaghetti sauce and meatballs in the fridge, along with a box of sghettis! It was so nice! We still haven't moved into the house, since we are just trying to get some painting and organizing done before we do it. But, I think we should be in there sometime next week. We picked up a pool table for FREE which is awesome! Someone in our neighborhood was getting rid of it, and it came with the balls, a cue, and a bridge. So cool. Now, all wee need in the basement is a beermeister and we're set!
We've been away again since vacation, just on an overnight trip. My aunt and uncle had a family picnic, and they live a few hours away, and my dad lives up there as well. It was nice getting the gang all together at once. I found out that my cousin is going to be a Daddy, so that's awesome. There were some fireworks, which is always nice. Especially since I hadn't seen any this year since the boy is always in bed by 8:30.
Now I have to start getting ready for Nate's birthday party. EEK! I've never really thrown a party for real before, just a low-key "hang" on my deck years ago when I lived on my own. That consisted of burgers, beers, and just a few knuckleheads acting crazy. I have always wanted to host my own, though, and have taken plenty of mental notes on what to do and what not to do. I just hope I don't get to hyper and want everything to be perfect, b/c it probably won't be. I am pretty clueless about how much food to have, and I'll probably end up with way too many leftovers. I know I am inviting way too many people, especially for a first birthday, but I can't invite Dan's whole family and not invite mine. B/c we CAN'T just invite our parents and siblings, since that would be like water torture. You'd hear crickets in the background, and it would be daytime! And, while Dan has three cousins, I have fifteen, some of which won't be invited, but still, more on my side that have to be invited. So, this should be fun!
That's about it for now. I must go chill with Dan for a little bit before hittin' the hay. Oh! One more thing that's happened recently- Nate took his first steps on July 14th! I'll post a video when I get a chance. Yay, Nate!