This is a place where I can vent about certain frustrations. And occasionally, there may be a happy story. B/c life IS good.

Friday, August 29, 2008

It's Been a While...

And my mother bugged me the other day, so I thought I'd better post something. A lot has been happening lately- we moved into our new house, Nathan turned one(!), and he also broke his leg! We were getting ready to have our open house one Sunday, and he decided to try and climb up the side of the crib. Well, he fell back and hit his leg just right on this stool I have next to the crib. It's not even usually there, but I had put it there to get it out of sight for the open house. And the only reason he was still in the bedroom with Dan was that I had asked Dan to change the sheet in his crib. So, that's what Dan was doing, and I was downstairs getting myself some breakfast.

After crying for a couple of minutes he seemed fine, but then after a while, Dan noticed he wasn't really putting any weight on his right leg. So, I told him to take him to the ER while I stayed behind to finish cleaning up. This wasn't fun for me, b/c my back has been really hurting me lately, and a lot of work still had to be done, and to be home and not know what was happening sucked! Dan couldn't really get word to me very often. I felt like a terrible mother not going with my boy to the ER for his first visit of probably many. (This boy is crazy!) So, anyway, they weren't sure if it was anything, but the next day we had an appointment with an orthopedic surgeon, and they told us it was probably broken. He was a champ in the office, getting the cast on and everything. We picked a blue one! As soon as it was on, he was fine- no big deal. He was walking on it right away.

He had his cast on for his birthday, and some people signed it at his party. He got it taken off last week, but still feels the need to walk on that leg as if it's still immobilized. He bends it ok when he's playing and crawling, but not so much when he's walking, and he's not really walking a whole lot, which bugs me. I will put pictures up of him in his cast when I get the chance, but my printer is not hooked up to my computer yet, and that's how I upload stuff, so I guess I'll have to do that. As for the party, I'll post again later, b/c I am ever so hungry!

To be continued...

Sunday, August 03, 2008

The Party

So, on the 20th of this month, Nathan turns one! Wow! As I mentioned before, we are having a party for him at the new house, which we aren't really living in yet, on the 23rd. Should I be worried that only two people have called to say they are coming? My brother and his girlfriend can't make it b/c they have a wedding to go to the same day, and my best friend goes away on vacaton that day, of course. So two people I really wanted there can't make it right off the bat. We know our parents will be there, my cousin w/family, and Dan's cousin w/family. This waiting for the phone to ring just sucks though! Dan is a bit paranoid that we'll have very few people show up. He says he doesn't want Nate to feel slighted, which makes me laugh- he'll have no clue! I am just nervous about how the house will look, since it's hard for me to get much unpacking done during the day with Nate with me, and my back hurting the way it does. We find it interesting that Dan's brother's daughter's birthday party is this Saturday, and when he called his brother to let him know we were coming to their party, he said nothing about ours, so we're wondering if they'll be coming. They may just be waiting til the very last minute, just to try and be ass pains. We should say the same thing to them that he said to Dan back in January, about our coming to his other daughter's party, "I'd understand if you don't come." He was just hoping we would bail, and in turn look bad in everyone's eyes. (FYI- Dan did go, without me or Nate, b/c I was very mad about the way we had recently been treated over the holidays, and no way were they going to see Nate and have the satisfaction of me not being there!) They are no doubt going to stir up some trouble like they always do when we have something happy and important coming up. I don't like them- AT ALL! (Really, isn't that obvious?!)