This is a place where I can vent about certain frustrations. And occasionally, there may be a happy story. B/c life IS good.

Friday, December 29, 2006

We Have Great News!

OK. I haven't really talked about how we're trying to start a family in a while, but there's now some news. I am 7 weeks pregnant! I can't believe it happened on the month we were NOT spending all the extra money at the fertility specialist's! We found out on the day we were going to Dan's cousin's house for a holiday party. I decided to take a test, even though it was a couple of days before I was supposed to. But, I had been so good, and wasn't obsessing over it during the waiting period, so I figured what the heck. The line on the test was really faint, but I told Dan about it, and he didn't think it meant anything. He didn't get that even a faint line DOES mean something! I waited until two days from then and took another test. Even darker. HOT DOG! I called the doctor right away, and they sent me for blood work, which looked good all four times I went. Dan and I went in for an ultrasound on December 15th, and we actually saw what we were supposed to, and in the right place! What a great Christmas gift this has been!

So, today, two weeks later, I went in for another ultrasound, with the same very nice doctor, and we saw and heard the heartbeat! I couldn't stop smiling! It sounded so cool! He said there is good blood flow, and that the heartbeat is 136 BPM, which is great! It still looks like a peanut or something, but it was cool to see it's growing. Dan was so happy when I called him and told him everything went well. He was kinda bummed he couldn't go, but next time, January 9th, he is going to be there. I feel very relieved that we heard a heartbeat. I have been a little stressed out thinking about today's outcome. But, so far, so good.

I think I am going to either start another blog dealing just with my pregnancy, or change this one. I don't know. This is just an easy way of keeping track of what's going on, and letting a few people in on it. Anyway, I hope everyone has a great New Year! We're just going to sit at home with some hours devours and sparkling grape juice! Yum!

Monday, December 11, 2006

Our Dining Room Set!

Hey all! It's been a while since I had anything to write about, but I am excited about our new furniture! For Christmas, my mother decided to get us the dining room set we've had our eye on for a while. It was delivered over the weekend. I love it! The table we had before was kinda small, and it was an old hand-me-down. And all four of our chairs were unmatching! One was even a computer chair! Pretty bad. This table has a leaf we can add to it, although that makes it a bit big for our room. We'll be able to hold on to this set for a long time. Thanks, Mom!