I Don't Like My Boss
Wow. My boss is a real dick! There's this guy, Steve, who I have known for years. Used to work with him at both of the stores I've been at- he was one of my managers. Well, he was fired last year for some stupid reason. Anyway, he is now at a competing company, and recently a couple of our coworkers went over to his side and left our store. I hadn't seen him in almost a year, which was right after he got fired. Well, today, on my DAY OFF, I went into the store to see when I was working next. I ran into Steve. He shops at our store, since he is usually in the area. I was talking to him, and he was telling me how our manager, Mike, was trying to kick him out of the store the day before, but he was getting one of his other managers to do it, since he's a wimp. Well, he had no real reason to kick him out, since he was merely shopping. But today, as I was talking to Steve, about my good news, and getting together with some of the people I used to work with, my dick of a manager comes up to the aisle we were in, after stalking us, that is, and says, "Steve, please leave my store." WHAT?! How rude is that?! I was in the middle of a conversation, on my day off! We were two customers and old coworkers shooting the breeze, and this guy thinks he's a threat to his store. What an asshole! It just made me want to quit right there. I wish I had had the nerve to say, "Excuse me! We are in the middle of a conversation!" But, I have no backbone. So, Steve and I said good bye and he continued to stroll around the store, with Mike tailing him. I saw him a few minutes later, as I was leaving, and he told me he had lost Mike. He seemed really pleased with himself. He's funny. He doesn't seem to get bothered by things like that. He was even nice to Mike after he told him to leave. I just start fuming when someone pisses me off. Oh well. I'm still fuming. I must go feed the cats. Hope my night is better than my afternoon.