This is a place where I can vent about certain frustrations. And occasionally, there may be a happy story. B/c life IS good.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

She's Gone

My Aunt Norma, age 70, passed away Friday night. She's no longer suffering, which is a relief. It just seems like it happened so fast. I saw her last September, and she seemed like she was doing fine. I'm just glad I got to see her then.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Aunt Norma

Amidst even more loss going on lately, I hear about this:

Last evening, I heard that my Aunt Norma, who has had Alzheimer's since about 2002, only has a little bit of time left. I last saw her in September, when she was up and about, yet confused about things. Now, she isn't walking, and can't eat or drink. She was always the aunt who played hostess (at the house I spoke of before), always welcoming you over anytime just to hang out. She had this laugh that was unmistakable. You could hear it over the crowd, and it just made you laugh, too. I spent a lot of time over at her house when I was young and my grandparents would watch me during the summer. We went over there to swim pretty much everyday it was nice. It was like a had a secret pass to go to cool places b/c I was with Gram and Gramp. We got to go to the shore with her and my uncle on these trips to LBI for a Lobster Bake at my uncle's sister's. Their house was right on the beach, and everyone wore those bibs, and ate plenty of seafood, after a long day of jumping around in the ocean. I even got to attend their company picnics, and I wasn't nearly old enough to have a job! They always made me feel welcome, and I really appreciated that. Norma was a great aunt, and a lot of fun. I'm really going to miss her.

Friday, January 18, 2008

Not so Happy New Year

Well, so far this year has brought some tragedy to some people I know. A friend of mine from work was in a bad car wreck on New Years Eve day, where he sustained severe head trauma, among other injuries, and was then in a coma. It's hard to get accurate info on his condition, since I am hearing it from a few different people. I know he now has a tracheotomy and a feeding tube, and has had a rod put in his leg. I really don't know much else. They are putting together a beef and beer to help him out with his medical bills.

Then, the other night, I got an email from my cousin about a relative of ours who was in a car wreck last Saturday night. He didn't make it. Brett was 22. He was my uncle's grandson, and we were related by marriage. I hadn't seen him in years, but when he was little, I saw him all the time at my uncle's picnics. My aunt and uncle had the perfect house for a picnic, with a pool, game room, and huge yard where we played volley ball, badminton, and quoits. Brett and his older brother and sister would usually follow us "big kids" around, and Brett was such a little sweetheart. All three of them were always in the pool, which was also my favorite place to be. I will always remember Brett as the little kid running around the pool having a blast, with a big smile on his face. I can't imagine the loss his family is feeling.