And More Pictures...
The master bedroom:

This is a place where I can vent about certain frustrations. And occasionally, there may be a happy story. B/c life IS good.
The master bedroom:
Here's the front of the house. These pictures are all from the site online. Notice the widened driveway, and the purple clematis (my favorite kind!) going up the lightpost. To the left of the house is a lot of open space. That will be great for picnics! Anyone up for some bocce ball?:
The powder room. This yellow is not as gross in person! And there's this really cute American flag border at the top of the room:
Our full bath. I love the countertop and faucet!:
Well, that didn't last long. After twelve long years at my job, I gave them notice the other night. I just walked up to the manager and was like, "How do I go about quitting?" He just told me to write something down and give it to one of the managers, and asked if I was going to give two weeks notice, or not come back at all. It was a Wednesday night, and I told him I'd work through that Saturday, since it's the busy time, but wouldn't finish up my schedule for the next week, which was already written.
I don't think I've mentioned before that we are hoping to move to a bigger house soon. One that has a garage, basement, and hopefully a little more privacy. Well, after searching online for a couple of weeks, we decided to go take a look at a few twins that are in this nice cul de sac, surrounded by mostly farmland and a lot of open space. Dan's not thrilled about going from a townhouse to a twin, since he's always said that the next house we go to will be a single with a nice yard. Well, there were some older singles that have popped up on our search, but they all seem a bit older, and aren't in the school district we'd like to stay in. We saw three twins last Sunday, each one nicer than the last. The final one we went into had a bit of a different layout, was located on the end of the circle, and just was in a lot better shape than the other two. When we walked in, we were hit with the smell of tomato sauce, which was nice. It has a finished basement with a separate laundry room that's 11x11. There are plenty of closets, a big deck in the back, and they've already done some nice landscaping. The master bedroom is very big, and the other two are nice sizes as well. The big kitchen is open to the dining room, and there's a mudroom next to the powder room, and they have doors to the garage and the deck. The powder room is lovely, too. Basically ready to move into. The only drawback is the lack of central air.
Hello! There's been a lot of stuff going on lately, but I haven't been able to type about it. First of all, I have returned to work, part time, and I am not too happy about it. For those of you who don't know, since '96 I have worked at a "big box" retailer, in the seasonal department. Since I was on LOA for so long, they couldn't hold my position for me in that dept., and told me I was going to be a cashier. Now, I used to cashier for a little bit about 11 years ago, and I didn't like being cooped up in one place for the entire day. Plus, I know my department, and I think it just makes more sense to have someone like me work there, instead of hiring yet another kid who doesn't know a marigold from a pansy.