Monday, October 30, 2006
Ok, so the insemination didn't work. I was feeling over-confident for nothing. We have decided to take a break for the next two months with the fertility doctors and just try naturally. In January, Dan starts a new insurance plan, which will cover a heck of a lot more than mine has. It actually covers infertility! I have never been so excited about health insurance! I won't even have to pay anything to go to the chiropractor for up to thirty times per year! Right now, I pay forty dollars each time I go, since my insurance has no chiropractic coverage. So, I suffer for two months inbetween adjustments. Now I won't have to! Anyway, we figured we'd be better able to relax if we're not throwing more money at the problem, and we can try to enjoy the holidays. Then, if it doesn't work naturally, we are only waiting until January to try with help again. And we will only be paying $45.00, instead of about $1465.00! I think that's an easy decision to make! We'll see what happens! Have a Happy Halloween!
Monday, October 23, 2006
Testing Day
Well, today was the day that I was to check and see if the insemination worked. So far, no positive result. So why the heck do I feel like it did work? My hubby is quite upset, as am I, but I am not giving into defeat yet. Maybe it will just take a couple of extra days for me to test positively, who knows? We shall see in a couple of days. Dan doesn't understand how I can still think positively, and I am not sure why I do it. But, I just can't help it. I know things will work out for us eventually. They have to.
Saturday, October 21, 2006
A Lovely Autumn Day!

What a beautiful day it is! I don't have to work, neither does Dan. We just got back from some window shopping at Peddler's Village, since we just wanted to get out somewhere and not really spend too much money. Not that we can, really! It seems like everything is hitting us at once as far as bills go. Oh well! So, it was nice to take a ride in the country, which is all around us. I like the area we live in. This picture is the view from our bedroom window. We don't have much of a back yard, since it's a townhome, but we at least have some nice trees to look at. (So, Tom, this is for you!) I guess I should get going and start helping my husband who happens to be vacuuming right now. Wow! I am lazy compared to him! Happy weekend!
Monday, October 16, 2006
Appliance Woes
Ok, so let me get this straight. We spend 300-something on a Maytag washing machine just over two years ago. And today, the repair man comes out, which costs 142 bucks just for that. And then I have to give him another hundred or so to fix the problem we have?! This is a Maytag! I thought the big joke with them is that the repair men never have any work to do! So, I just spent 262 bucks on a machine I just bought two years ago! Mainly b/c it was easier than to just buy a new one and having the hassle of getting the old one out, etc. I guess they just don't make them like they used to. Or we are just cursed! %*&@!
Let Me Explain...

So, I must tell you why life has been so crazy. You see, I am married to the most wonderful man, Dan, and we want nothing more than to be parents. We have been trying for just over two years now, and have had some problems. First, I was pregnant July '05, and lost it at around 8 weeks. Then, I got pregnant again, in Oct., and it was actually an ectopic pregnancy, which is where the embryo is located in the tube, and is not viable. So, I had to take a couple of shots to get rid of the pregnancy, which was horrible, and we had to wait a few months before we could try again. Now, since July of this year, we have been seeing fertility Doctors and spending some extra money to see if they can help. I have had a very optimistic attitude about all of this, and I know that when the time is right, we will get our family. But, it has only been lately that my hubby has been thinking somewhat positively as well. He was usually thinking that the world is against us, and we will never be truly happy. Not that we aren't happy when it's just the two of us- we're great! But that's the thing- we just want to have that wonderful time with a child or two, or three! Dan says he'd love it if we would have twins, since it is a possibility while being on fertility medication. I think that would be cool, but I am already going to be considered high risk, and multiples make you high risk as well, so I hear.
Anyway, this past month, after all of our tests came back that we look good and our bodies should be getting the job done, we went for the insemination! We did it last Monday, and I have to wait one more week to see if it worked. I can't believe it! The chance the Doctors give us by doing this procedure hike up our chances big-time. I have a feeling that it worked, since I have been feeling a bit queasy on and off since we did it. Or maybe it's my mind playing tricks on me? Who knows! I am just hoping that we will be announcing soon that we will have a baby due around the beginning of July. Keep your fingers crossed!
Thursday, October 12, 2006
Hello! This is me.
I am new to this sort of thing. I just figured I could write about any old nonsense that's happening in my life. Sounds fun, right? It's been a crazy year, and it's about to get more interesting. More on that later. Right now it's time for bed, and I just want to see what this will look like. Later!